Tom and I, looking fresh with our new helmets, climbing in Mission Gorge. After the rock incident in Poway, we decided it would be a good idea to protect our heads. I brought my camera along, and managed to get some decent pics of Tom by using my ATC Guide and belaying from the anchor. We climbed Unknown Monger (5.9) and then moved over to Skyline Arete (5.8+). I considered leading Mission Control, but couldn’t work up the courage. On the way back to the truck, we stopped at Easy Rider (5.7) and I managed to get my head straight for a lead. Easy climb with good stances, but the last move to the anchor involves an exposed mantle, and it was just spicy enough to feel like an accomplishment. It’s really a shame that Tom lives on the other side of the country, but we’ll get back here one of these days.